wow... this mustve taken awhile thank you for doing everyone a favor!
Am back w gen 4 shiny pokemon hi im so tired
sprites n pokedex data all from https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/ as always recoloured by me as always
for original cursors see here http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/gen-4-pkmn and here http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/all-pokemon
Legal Info: I do not own Pokemon, Nintendo, or the sprites themselves. I did not create or rip the sprites myself. All characters are copyright Nintendo. These cursors are not for commercial use.
wow... this mustve taken awhile thank you for doing everyone a favor!
5 out of 5 stars.
Its really nice
5 stars i mean i am not the biggest fan of pokemon but these cursors really cool
its pretty pixely but its very good
Fantastic work 4.9 Stars, just missing stone, toxic, and zap plate for arceus, its a large project and youve done a great deal of work so keep it up!
oh that's so weird i guess they must not have been in the right folder i probs won't add them now tho lmao sorry
looks really good keep it up
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