Cursor Set - Gun

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Gun Cursors

  • Published on April 9th 2011 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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For all you gun-lovers out there!


by Lost Girl

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Lost Girl registered user on April 9th 2011

Oh, well it was universal............ :-o

user icon Lost Girl registered user on April 9th 2011

I don't think many people like this set..........icon-5303
That's a bit of a shame. icon-5301 I put so much effort into those cursors..........icon-5322

user icon Lost Girl registered user on April 9th 2011

icon-5319 icon-5301

user icon Anonymous on April 10th 2011

U don't need to listen to people who don't like it. Remember that you tried your hardest (not a thats what she said joke) and we're only human. Hope this helps you. :-)

user icon Lost Girl registered user on April 10th 2011

Thanks mate.

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on April 10th 2011

That's the problem with end-users. They don't care about the effort, only the end result... I'm both obviously. I design, but I also use the work that others have made if I like it. These are OK, but well...better stuff exists. It just takes practice.

Glad you like my emoticons BTW...

user icon Lost Girl registered user on April 10th 2011

I think you should make an animated version of your emoticons. g2g, sorry, I have a Battle of Long Tan assignment to do.

user icon Nintendo registered user on March 11th 2012

uhmmm.... this is pretty awkward to say but the guns are not shaded right at all :/

user icon Lost Girl registered user on March 11th 2012

Web browser Ike

user icon Anonymous on March 23rd 2012

:-D ha u worked hard i made a HK USP in less then 3 min and a mac in les then 2 lol and the have clips sights and the part the bullet comes out of

user icon Anonymous