Cursor Set - super mario

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super mario Cursors

super mario
  • Published on June 5th 2012 by Knackers.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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its classic mario


by Knackers

See also

Gradient TeaserGradient Cursors
by Lost Girl1204This is my first cursor set that actually uses gradient colours. Enjoy!
Gradient Clock TeaserGradient Clock Cursors
by Lost Girl607This is a floow-up of my gradient cursors. Enjoy!
My Very Non-Cohesive TeaserMy Very Non-Cohesive Cursors
by Neelix251This is just all of my cursors. =3
Bunch'o'Guitars TeaserBunch'o'Guitars Cursors
by Knackers1431its my 2nd group and its 3 guitars

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Mr. X registered user on January 15th

As a huge Mario fan i was thrilled to see these cursors and was happy when they looked so nice. seeing a goomba or fire Mario or regular Mario run across my screen is absolutely hilarious. I would differently recommend these to anyone whose a fan of the classics. now all we need is a couple of duck hunt cursors thrown in here lol!

user icon Anonymous