Cursor Set - Keroro Gunso

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Keroro Gunso Cursors

Keroro Gunso
  • Published on June 27th 2015 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

friends, excuse me, Husenpo've rarely upload unique cursors, because yesterday was busy very same school affairs, but now husenpo already started active again anyway, following the recent cursor husenpo do, please download, hopefully happy (^-^)/

Sergeant Keroro Keroro Platoon is the leader of which he is very fond of Gundam and would do anything to get Gundam Model Kits. He and his platoon was sent to Earth to invade Earth with the lure of prize. As chairman of the platoon, he needs help from other members.

Keroro Platoon is a member of the Warrior Tamama. Tamama very fond of Keroro and has a cute face. He sometimes jealous when approaching Sergeant. But, did you know that Tamama actually a man? Other members are Cpl Giroro. He was a loner and a good cook sweet potatoes. He was often frustrated with laziness Keroro. He was very fond of Natsumi. Member in charge of dealing with sophisticated tools is the Keroro Platoon Sergeant Major Kururu. He was very strange, like a sly laugh alone, unpopular and disliked by the frog around because he looks like a depressed person. Typical sly laugh Kururu roughly reads "Kikikikikikiiii ..." (く ー ー っ く っ く ー). Even so, he made a lot of powerful tools that support the Keroro platoon to invade Earth. The latter is a member of Lance Corporal Dororo. He was dressed as a ninja, as indeed he was a ninja. He is a friend since childhood Keroro and Giroro. He is a rich frog. Keroro often make it as a shield, but Dororo Keroro still follow orders without protest. He will be depressed when considering an event that made Keroro him while they are still

Tags: Character Anime Animal ■ Green


by HusenPo

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon HusenPo registered user on December 15th 2016

Thnks ma men (Y) 8-)

user icon Anonymous on February 18th 2019


user icon Anonymous on July 2nd 2019

Fantastic set and really funny and hood animations! :-)

Sorry, I meant "good" not "hood"

user icon Anonymous on July 1st 2020


user icon Anonymous on September 25th 2020

so cute

I want to get the TAMAMA ver.

user icon Anonymous on January 28th 2021

the similarity that I have with the death note light yagami is incredible, besides being literally the same ... we have the same mentality, we are both extremely cold and strategists in our way of thinking and acting ... bizarre '-' he represents me a lot, we are two gods in this world

incrivel a semelhança que eu tenho com o light yagami de death note, além de sermos literalmente iguais ... temos o mesmo mentalidade, ambos somos extremamente frios e estrategistas em nossa forma de pensar e agir ... bizarro '-' ele me representa muito, somos dois deuses nesse mundo

user icon Anonymous on September 7th 2021

doesnt work

user icon Anonymous on April 28th 2023

pls make corporal giroro pls

user icon Anonymous on December 12th 2023

Thank you lad :-) 8-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous on March 22nd

awesome set!

user icon Anonymous