Cursor Set - Magic Garden

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Magic Garden Cursors

Magic Garden
  • Published on April 3rd 2023 by jaguarkisses.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3.5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

I created these particular cursors because I couldn't find these particular cursors anywhere online and I needed these for a project that I was working on.


by jaguarkisses

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon r5ne (curs0r) registered user on April 5th 2023

4 out of 5 stars.

well the mushrooms work very vell as cursors, really nice shading and pixel art
-would be nice if more cursors were made, you can even speedrun making them by just keeping the original shroom cursor and just addin a tiny loading icon/person icon etc
-shrooms are original, ive never seen a mushroom cursor set
while there are only 3 cursors, the cursors available are of a high quality, so the rate wont be that bad

user icon The Male Boss registered user on April 10th 2023

3 out of 5 stars.

The Mushroom designs do looks good as does the pumpkin as well.
But I would have liked to have seen more cursors in the set and I’d expect to see more than just mushrooms and pumpkins in a magic garden as well.
It would have been nice had the set included all 17 full cursor roles I hope you add cursors for the remaining 16 cursors roles.
All the cursor hotspots are in the correct place.
I like the concept it’s just the set currently isn’t up to what I’d expect for a magic garden set of cursors.
If you improve set I will reviews the set again.

The Male Boss

user icon Anonymous