Cursor Set - stick figure

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stick figure Cursors

stick figure
  • Published on June 21st 2010 by redtv4me.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
0.5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

stick figure and areo cursors made into funny things


by redtv4me

See also

Moochypooch TeaserMoochypooch Cursors
by Moochypooch1103I create Pokemon sprite cursors. It's just a matter of taking the GIF...
baseball Teaserbaseball Cursors
by redtv4me724
RuneScape In-game Cursor Set TeaserRuneScape In-game Cursor Set Cursors
by untitled2598From the new cursors you use in RuneScape combined with Windows Aero.
drums Teaserdrums Cursors
by redtv4me786red blue yellow green drums
living things Teaserliving things Cursors
by redtv4me1901things that are alive

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on January 19th 2012


user icon Anonymous on February 8th 2012

CR4P | 8-) -) : :- :-D ( - :-) o :-) ;-)

user icon Nintendo registered user on April 8th 2012

0.5 out of 5 stars.

these are all copied i don't know about you but your not allowed to copy cursors and they all are cut out images sorry 0.5

user icon Anonymous on November 12th 2012

this sucks

user icon Anonymous on January 30th 2013

dont like dude

user icon Zachary Jorgensen's Profile registered user on January 7th 2014

0.5 out of 5 stars.


user icon Anonymous on February 25th 2016


user icon Anonymous