This is a set I made for my sister which may or may not be based on a particular tv show which she may or may not be into. I made up the title to be misleading. I'm assuming you can't trademark the color green.
Tags: Sci-fi ■ Green Technology
5 out of 5 stars.
I personally love futuristic cursors. This set I consider to be futuristic. So it is awesome!
Good [Publish]
It's peridot from Steven Universe
Peridot is mini. Make her mini hand mini. MINIDOT
5 out of 5 stars.
This set is out of this world awesomeness!
The Link Select Looks Like Peridot.
It is peridot and the show is steven universe
3 out of 5 stars.
This set is great but I don't like the color combination man
dude, i'll praise u till the end of my days for that cursor. currently using it
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