Cursor Set - Pizza

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Pizza Cursors

  • Published on May 10th 2019 by .
  • Released under the Free Art (copyleft) license.
4.7 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This set will make you hungry! And your computer may order some delicious pizza right to your door.

This is the only pizza set that's complete and has shading.

Enjoy! ;-)

Tags: Food or Drink ■ Yellow Windows 8


by nibbler

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Galaxy Geek registered user on May 27th 2019

Im getting hungry! :-o

user icon Anonymous on May 27th 2019


user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 26th 2019

Thanks, guys! icon-image/14469-16x16x32.png image

user icon jessicatgirl12 registered user on November 23rd 2019

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Good job on this set! With pizza, it's sometimes hard to find what ideas to do, besides the whole pizza and half pizza and quarter pizza etc. I liked how creative you were in using the pizza pattern to create different shapes. These are also the typical icons that cursors are in. My favorite is the finger cursor, because I really like how the hand has spots for some reason (I'm not sure why haha). The busy one is also nice because the animations are really good. I can tell you spent a lot of time and gave it a lot of effort. Another thing I would also love to mention is that you put the hotspots in the right place. I just checked out your profile and saw that you have interesting and nice sets! Keep making these sets!

user icon Anonymous on January 6th 2021

I love how disturbing your profile picture is

user icon Anonymous on January 17th 2021

Im So Very Hungry

user icon Anonymous on February 14th 2021

i accidentaly ate my screen help

user icon Anonymous on March 5th 2021


user icon Henry vntv registered user on June 12th 2022

5 out of 5 stars.

it seems yummy icon-image/24237-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on February 19th 2024

Pizza Normal Select.cur

user icon Anonymous