A reskin from Rocked_socks's cursor
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Thanks m8. I honestly don't care that you are reskinning my cursors since I am reallly slow when it comes to making my reskins. Thanks for crediting me, since that is the main thing I would be worried about. How about I make an orange cursor and you make a green? That would be fun.
5 out of 5 stars.
thank u so much love it :-D
pls make white with bear ears
and mechanic suit with dum sticker lime
virus or nah?
I like this and i made a cursor out of it (its my fav among us skin)
Should i make a set out of this?
Can you make red with black jetpak please.
muito fofo e bonito mas acho dificil de mexer mas tirando isso perfeitooo
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