Cursor Set - Remastered Classic V2 (2000/XP)

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Remastered Classic V2 (2000/XP) Cursors

Remastered Classic V2 (2000/XP)
  • Published on July 25th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

The Classic mouse cursors that were available since Windows NT 5.0... But now remade! With some minimal shadows, smoother lines, while keeping the nostalgic feeling and the vanilla aspect!

Credits to Microsoft for the MSN Messenger logo and Classic cursor a.k.a. "(None)"

P.S: Use the default "Precision Selection" and "Text Select" from (None) or whatever your Windows came from. They're just square so I can't see the reason to remake it

btw this is the first cursor i made lol

Tags: Windows XP Computer □ White Simple



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 26th

5 out of 5 stars.

I seen those before. They are great.

user icon ViniciusGamer-blox registered user on July 26th

4.5 out of 5 stars.

I would say cool cursors, they are almost the same as those that come with Windows XP, 7,8,9,10 and 11, but that's okay, they are cool, you put in the effort to make these cursors, an incredible job. :-)

user icon BiORNADE registered user on July 26th

Thanks for the rating y'all!

And replying the ViniciusGamer-blox... I accidentally left the description incomplete ;-) (I have just updated now). But it's basically a remastered version of the cursor, without ceasing to be that "Windows XP Cursor" we already know and regconize (despite some of them resembling like the original to the point of just noticing when compared to each other)

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 28th

5 out of 5 stars.

Classic cursors are my favourite.

user icon Anonymous on August 1st


user icon jackie__off registered user on August 2nd

4 out of 5 stars.

This is pretty neat.
I'll admit the link select cursor looks a bit funky, but maybe I'm so used to its aliasation that anything *but* its aliased original looks off to me.

user icon BiORNADE registered user on August 20th

Is it because the shadows are a bit too dark?

user icon Anonymous on August 20th


user icon DAXEFORK registered user on August 24th

woooooooow soo cool its fit my cursor style and color

user icon Anonymous