Really cool.. But the + or x thing on the unavailable cursor needs to be bigger...
The Se7en II cursors are available now!
The biggest difference from the original Se7en cursors here is of course that this is a full set and the original Se7en cursors were only a set of five. The second change that you will notice is that the Se7en II cursors are slightly rounded. The animations are also smoother due to more frames being in the files. The link hand glow is more subtle- is this okay? Or should I make it brighter?
It's only available in blue at the moment, but more colors will follow as I have time. I also plan on making a mini version of the set for those of you who don't like huge cursors.
Please, please, please, rate them and even better, comment to let me know how much you like them and if you have any suggestions. I have lost interest in making other colors, so if you want to re-color them for yourself, that's fine. Just don't re-upload them for yourself.
Really cool.. But the + or x thing on the unavailable cursor needs to be bigger...
Aaah, a tip- view it in the Firefox web browser so you can see its animation. It's actually quite large. Or download it to see it.
another thing- on the unavailable, blue still shows around the inside edge when it turns red, and you were right about the X
Wow, when I was viewing them before I clicked this was so complicated XD
5 out of 5 stars.
hey we can mix and match!
what a unique concept!
and that doe NOT mean you don't have to rate!
I like both sets!!
can't wait for the colors, OMG!
another Gigantic set I imagine when you are done!
I do like the cursors very much. However, I do find them too large for what I do on my desk top. I would remove them, but will try to keep them long enough for the mini version to come out. A version about 2/3 or 1/2 the current size would be great.
5 out of 5 stars.
Cool but I didn't understand why did you name them so.
They are supposed to resemble the Windows 7 Aero theme.
5 out of 5 stars.
Here they are. Nice set and complete. It's nice to see a larger cursor. The subtle animations complement the set. Good work.
5 out of 5 stars.
Wow! This is the best set ever! Keep up your work!
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