Cursor Set - Simplistic Precision Tools — Size Adjust / Resize

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Simplistic Precision Tools — Size Adjust / Resize Cursors

Simplistic  Precision Tools — Size Adjust / Resize
  • Published on August 6th 2022 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

I'm exploring the theme of scientific / simplistic cursors, to be used with my previous cursor sets. Inversion color addet to outward pointing triangle to indicate direction to resize.


by Nouma

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Account not found registered user on August 17th 2022

5 out of 5 stars.

Nice, the design is cool, but make a set with this design that have al 17 cursor roles please, i like it

user icon Nouma registered user on February 3rd 2023

Hey thanks for the review :-D =) I'm glad you like it! I'll do it for all 17 roles this winter. I'll make one for black/white, one for inverse and a third high contrast versjon (high contrast without inversion). 8-) :-D

user icon Anonymous