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Showing items 51-100 of 5794 items matching 'move'.

Spiderman TeaserSpiderman Cursors
by J12kTOTM Entry This is my first TOTM entryas well as first superhero curs...
Ecliz TeaserEcliz Cursors
by RIDDLER2012Great cursor set converted from CursorXP to Standard Windows format b...
DBZ Wish Blink TeaserDBZ Wish Blink Cursors
by DemiDragon7210This is a collection of dragon balls from Dragon Ball Z. They flash ...
glitched full Teaserglitched full Cursors
by NoobGamrrr224858FULL SET & ENJOY credits: handwriting cursor:
Green Transition TeaserGreen Transition Cursors
by Jappie1598Hey guys, here are my first Cursors! YAY If there is a mistake, say i...
Venom TeaserVenom Cursors
by siabob0071771Simple animated Venom pack NOTE** The 'help', 'move', 'unavailable' a...
Requested | Pixel Pug TeaserRequested | Pixel Pug Cursors
by BB212539This was requested by an anonymous user in the forum. If you see this...
Flappy Bird TeaserFlappy Bird Cursors
by Gabe27777Move your mouse to fly... (I do not own the rights to Flappy Bird. Th...
Highlight White 10 TeaserHighlight White 10 Cursors
by RIDDLER1457You may ask yourself and wonder why I have created a Highlight White ...
Snakeskin TeaserSnakeskin Cursors
by Censor_Not1639Made from real photos of real snakes! Optional extra cursors included...
by highmystica5850Features: Uses inverted colors (doesn't show in preview). Large highl...
Growtopia Pointer TeaserGrowtopia Pointer Cursors
by StroyerGT12kVisit and you\'ll see Diamond Flashaxe (Move) Golde...
Catto Boi TeaserCatto Boi Cursors
by mango-ki1988A Catto Boi cursor set to use on your PC! He will follow you wherever...
Delta Neon Yellow TeaserDelta Neon Yellow Cursors
by RIDDLER11kCool Delta Neon Yellow cursor set. ; Delta45 cursors created by 'Hopa...
Sonic Pocket Adventure TeaserSonic Pocket Adventure Cursors
by thekittyperson7866You can use the Alt select cursor for help as well. This is a cursor ...
Chinese Lantern TeaserChinese Lantern Cursors
by AJaxx1620A fun and nice cursor set for windows. Have fun & enjoy! [[cursor:816...
LLX Monochrome White Light TeaserLLX Monochrome White Light Cursors
by RIDDLER1241On the same day that Hopachi released his dark theme of this LLX seri...
3D Triangle Madness Teaser3D Triangle Madness Cursors
by Mr X19443D Triangle Madness the website slows down the animation they move mu...
Trump TeaserTrump Cursors
by Censor_Not3512Yes, another Trump cursor set. Inspired by BB21! Explanation: "Norma...
Gold Galoo TeaserGold Galoo Cursors
by ZeloZelos3341The Gold Galoo set (ga-lou). Not sure where I got the name, but its a...
Jacaroi (LiL Gator game) TeaserJacaroi (LiL Gator game) Cursors
by ViniciusGamer-blox324Sorry for not posting any cursors or icons, I was having fun on my va...
Mouse TeaserMouse Cursors
by cursorer4177Cursors with mice! no resize and move.
Halo Energy Sword TeaserHalo Energy Sword Cursors
by Teddy30kThe Covenant's Energy Sword, nicely drawn and nicely animated. A prod...
banana collection Teaserbanana collection Cursors
by cool dude2541they rule they move a lot
Silver Bevel TeaserSilver Bevel Cursors
by 586295304A set of silver bevel cursors that were made to be similar to the Win...
DTL Jowee TeaserDTL Jowee Cursors
by oriolego709sprites from I didn't make the alternate/pen cu...
Futuristiccc TeaserFuturisticcc Cursors
by miauwicat4683Hi, finally cursors again. They are not original, as I have already p...
Minecraft Tools TeaserMinecraft Tools Cursors
by Szling7682All of the Minecraft tools, only difference between these and the in-...
yin and yang Teaseryin and yang Cursors
Avatar: The Last Airbender TeaserAvatar: The Last Airbender Cursors
by Anonymous Me887This set was inspired by Avatar, especially since there are currently...
LLX Rainbow TeaserLLX Rainbow Cursors
by RIDDLER1942Today on Christmas Eve 2020, Hopachi has officially released the fini...
Minecraft Full TeaserMinecraft Full Cursors
by ETHANWEEGEE20kALL of the Minecraft Cursors! Custom made by me, I give you one of th...
Agumon Breathfire TeaserAgumon Breathfire Cursors
by HusenPo27341. Auto Installer Here we teach you to create a program with the for...
Techno TeaserTechno Cursors
by ETHANWEEGEE1760Tech-y people love tech-y things! And what better than to have a tech...
Indicating Dark TeaserIndicating Dark Cursors
by Nightfury3977These are dark indicator cursors (Sorry for not doing animations for ...
DOORS Roblox TeaserDOORS Roblox Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN4294A set with almost all entities of DOORS from Roblox UPDATE 1: changed...
Animated Tools TeaserAnimated Tools Cursors
by Player 91900A cursor set of animated tools for the windows cursors 17 cursors in ...
Aurora TeaserAurora Cursors
by AJaxx2405A fun set of cursors for windows. There are extra/bonus cursors to mi...
Black-n-Purple TeaserBlack-n-Purple Cursors
by Cameron8986I have made this for absterninja because i thought she might like pur...
Techno-Sniper TeaserTechno-Sniper Cursors
by Kradrling651Turns the pointer into a rifle target, cool high-tech-looking cursors...
by highmystica3266Features: Uses inverted colors (doesn't show in preview). Large highl...
Aystics - Glacier TeaserAystics - Glacier Cursors
by AJaxx30kA fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on light & dar...
Aystics - Chrome TeaserAystics - Chrome Cursors
by AJaxx5606A fun set of cursors that changes in glow as it moves (on darker back...
Square (not square) TeaserSquare (not square) Cursors
by Arandomplayer81035The "square" cursor series (they're not square shaped sorry). They mo...
Minecraft TeaserMinecraft Cursors
by jaysus2664Does not include a move cursor, although it was a .ani file, i wasn't...
X TeaserX Cursors
by Rapid1572A set of X's X = normal select as = alt select qm = help select BUSY ...
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap TeaserLegend of Zelda: Minish Cap Cursors
by Simon1593These are all cursors based on things found in Minish Cap. They were ...
Windows Aero Dark (recoloured system theme) TeaserWindows Aero Dark (recoloured system theme) Cursors
by Kip2221This is my Windows Aero Dark theme, a recolour of the standard system...
3D Gold Aero Teaser3D Gold Aero Cursors
by Matty1695This is a recolor of the 3D Silver Cursors by StickyChannel92, all ex...
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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