Icon Set - Desk Games

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Desk Games Icons

Desk Games
  • Published on August 5th 2009 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.4 out of 5 stars. (7 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Desk and card games..

Tags: Game


by Sirea

See also

Snake TeaserSnake Cursors
by Sirea1003Complete cursor set inspired by most popular Snake video game.
Mass Effect TeaserMass Effect Cursors
by Sirea3901Complete cursor set based on the Mass Effect game trilogy. I used sym...
Chess TeaserChess Icons
by Sirea2212Chess pieces inspired by Chess Titans game from Windows 7. Set includ...
Travian TeaserTravian Cursors
by Sirea342Cursors based on the great travian browser game. Enjoy!
Stepmania TeaserStepmania Cursors
by Sirea1433Complete cursor set inspired by Stepmania game.
Mass Effect 3 TeaserMass Effect 3 Cursors
by Sirea6415Complete cursor set inspired by third part of Mass effect game. I use...
Don't Starve TeaserDon't Starve Cursors
by Sirea2542This is another of my cursor sets inspired by a game. I have redrawn ...
Skyrim TeaserSkyrim Cursors
by Sirea88kComplete cursor set for The Elder Scrolls V game, named Skyrim.

Recent reviews and comments

user icon AA_Xatron registered user on August 24th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

WooW! I see, all icons is amazingly great to the games folder! Congratulations!

user icon cdl contributing user on September 17th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

yeah, like the pawn here!
That is Vibrancy!
Real lighting has a tint, just wonderful!
Now go rework some more and add them so we can rate them! lol
That Domino is GREAT! Make a whole set, or a few!
These are really nice, even like the Scrabble and others I don't play with! icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image

user icon Intellisthetics registered user on November 4th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

Again, very nice work!
I'd like to see you expand the set, too.
Keep up the good work!

user icon Imagine registered user on November 21st 2014

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 23rd 2016

5 out of 5 stars.

I like this set because I like 3D. It is a fancy set!
Can you please add checkers?

user icon Goodbye registered user on July 2nd 2017

icon-image/2382-256x256x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on July 21st 2020

What roles are each icon?

user icon Anonymous