Icon Set - Product categories

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Product categories Icons

Product categories
  • Published on April 9th 2011 by .
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
4.8 out of 5 stars. (7 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Categories of wares, that you can find in online shop.

Tags: Web ■ Black


by Sirea

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on April 10th 2011

Really good - 9/10. Just the bear reminds me of a turtle or a strange fat frog, sometimes :p.
Oh I'm second ;-)

user icon Sirea contributing user on April 10th 2011

Daniel W. Icons look good (maybe), but it is special theme. Not everyone needs them.

user icon Daniel W. registered user on April 11th 2011

5 out of 5 stars.

Oh yeah, totally agree. Just funny. :-)

user icon Anonymous on April 23rd 2011

Why would you release an icon set that is clearly commercial in nature under a non-commercial license? It's obvious to anyone with experience that you can't sell icon sets to most people. Why not release them under a attribution license to attract more business from buyers? No downloads probably reflects this. I'd use them on a network of 600 websites and give attribution, but instead, I just find someone else's public domain or attribution sets. And authors... don't forget icons can be used as favicons too, not just on the desktop.

user icon Sirea contributing user on April 23rd 2011

Anonymous.. you are right. I change the licence.

user icon jojois74 registered user on September 13th 2011

5 out of 5 stars.

These are nice. I just don't like the books though. They look too round.

user icon 77cool99 registered user on July 15th 2012

These are great icons! You worked hard on them.

user icon deadly bro registered user on April 13th 2013

4.5 out of 5 stars.

these are very cool but the books's end doesn't look like a rectangle but more like a circle instead the rest are great my most liked and beloved on is the console

user icon Anonymous on May 21st 2015

Awesome very cool icon if all set I will use for www.mysmartreviews.com

user icon Anonymous on July 12th 2020

Really good icons tho |-)

Why would you release an icon set that is clearly commercial in nature under a non-commercial license? It's obvious to anyone with experience that you can't sell icon sets to most people. Why not release them under a attribution license to attract more business from buyers? No downloads probably reflects this. I'd use them on a network of 600 websites and give attribution, but instead, I just find someone else's public domain or attribution sets. And authors... don't forget icons can be used as favicons too, not just on the desktop.

Why would you release an icon set that is clearly commercial in nature under a non-commercial license? It's obvious to anyone with experience that you can't sell icon sets to most people. Why not release them under a attribution license to attract more business from buyers? No downloads probably reflects this. I'd use them on a network of 600 websites and give attribution, but instead, I just find someone else's public domain or attribution sets. And authors... don't forget icons can be used as favicons too, not just on the desktop.

user icon Anonymous