wow cool
Came from a sprite sheet full of different moon coins. In Super Mario World, a moon coin will give you 3 extra lives. Moon coins are actually yellow, so they don't have a letter beside the number in the file name.
Lunar Magic is an application where it can let you edit Super Mario World levels and worlds.
Here are the emotions:
Icons with "1" are happy
Icons with "2" are frown
Icons with "3" are so happy
Icons with "4" are so frown
Icons with "5" are surprise
Icons with "6" are excited
Icons with "7" are sad
Icons with "8" are happy but with eyes closed
Icons with "9" are frown but with eyes closed
Icons with " " are yellow
Icons with "a" are green
Icons with "b" are blue
Icons with "c" are red
Icons with "d" are turquoise
Icons with "e" are purple
1/11/2015 | Set created |
2.5 out of 5 stars.
wow cool
awesome dude :-D
3.5 out of 5 stars.
1.5 out of 5 stars.
Every six is basically the same yet different colours. I understand how they got so few downloads yet not how they got 2.5 stars. These are quite bad and not useful at all.
@ Username Destroy
I see that they are for browsers. When you want to use HTML Coding, use these icon to display on your browser tab.
cool 8-)
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.