Icon Set - Stained Glass Rainbow Numbers

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Stained Glass Rainbow Numbers Icons

Stained Glass Rainbow Numbers
  • Published on December 14th 2020 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

I have successfully made this set of (Stained Glass Rainbow Numbers), which accompanies my preview set family of stained glass letters. From zero to nine, there are ten numbers in total. Numbers can be used as stencils to number things in your home. It can also be used as a decoration or simply downloaded on your computer for computer projects.

This set of "Stained Glass Rainbow Numbers" have the same geometry and rainbow colors as with my previous alphabetical letters icon set that I created earlier. This is my last icon set in this series.

I am sorry that the number ten does not exist in this set. This does not matter because you can simply make ten with a one and a zero. Enjoy this rainbow numbered set of icons.

Tags: Abstract Fantasy Glass Rectangular □ Multicolored



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 14th 2020

This is the last set in this series of stained glass icons. This multicolored icon set will cheer you up.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 14th 2020

This icon set does cheer me up. Thanks for making it.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 14th 2020

I am so glad that this dazzling icon set is cheering you up. You are welcome to download it and share it on social media.

user icon Bobcat registered user on December 14th 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

It's a good thing you added numbers. Now we are able to write texts as well as numbers with these rainbow ones.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 14th 2020

I added numbers because those templates already existed online. Numbers are useful as well. Yes, you can write text and numbers with this entire series of stencils. They are perfect to catch the eyes of people.

user icon Anonymous on July 15th 2022

icon-19819 icon-19819 icon-19819

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 15th 2022


user icon Anonymous on July 16th 2022

you also noticed that i comment "666" here

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 16th 2022

I am fed up of that number.

user icon Anonymous