Icon Set - Series1934 US gold certificates

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Series1934 US gold certificates Icons

Series1934 US gold certificates
  • Published on August 6th 2009 by Doc.
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

These icons are based on the rarest set of U.S. currency ever printed. They circulated only between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks, and they are STILL illegal to hold privately even after 75 years. I have squared them off for ease of icon use, but the striking artwork and vivid colors are all here. The only one missing is the $100,000 note, but I am working on that, too


by Doc

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on August 7th 2009

wtf i dont see how anyone other than an american would want this.
awesome job tho! :-)

user icon Lost Girl registered user on April 27th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

Six Axis, it's the thought that counts. Great job Doc. icon-image/1607-16x16x32.png image

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user icon Anonymous