Matias0211's Art - sets #1-28

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Icon and cursor sets by Matias0211

Click on set heading or image to display details or download the set.

Animados rojos TeaserAnimados rojos Cursors
by Matias0211699Divertidos animados del windows, con otro color. Pleace download or c...
Punteros Stick Man TeaserPunteros Stick Man Cursors
by Matias0211700Los stick man .. ahora también en tu puntero. Pleace download or com...
Manos metálicas TeaserManos metálicas Cursors
by Matias0211605Conjunto de manos metálicas de diferentes colores. Pleace download o...
Fire wave TeaserFire wave Cursors
by Matias02111666Tu cursor, con una onda de fuego. Pleace download or comment :) Por f...
Animados verdes TeaserAnimados verdes Cursors
by Matias0211437Divertidos animados del windows, con otro color. Ahora en verde. Plea...
Animados azules TeaserAnimados azules Cursors
by Matias0211471Divertidos animados del windows, con otro color. También en azules! ...
Punteros rayo TeaserPunteros rayo Cursors
by Matias0211365Punteros en forma de rayo. Pleace download or comment :) Por favor de...
Pacman TeaserPacman Cursors
by Matias02114809Pequeños punteros de pacman. Pleace download or comment :) Por favor...
Corazones TeaserCorazones Cursors
by Matias02111492Corazones en tu puntero! Pleace download or comment :) Por favor desc...
Alien TeaserAlien Cursors
by Matias02112503Un alien con sable láser. Alien with a lightsaber. Pleace download o...
Flor Rosa TeaserFlor Rosa Cursors
by Matias02112039Una simple florcita para tu puntero. Pleace download or comment :) Po...
Bouncing all colors TeaserBouncing all colors Cursors
by Matias0211270Todos los rebotadores, unidos en un solo set. Pleace download or comm...
Red, green and blue animated TeaserRed, green and blue animated Cursors
by Matias0211273Todos mis anteriores cursores, en un mismo set All animated cursors o...
Celestial TeaserCelestial Cursors
by Matias0211217Punteros con un toque celestial. Matías 0211 [[icon:7001][[icon:6988...
Manos / Hands TeaserManos / Hands Cursors
by Matias02111213Manos aleatorias Random hands Matías 0211 [[icon:7001][[icon:6988]][...
Minesweeper TeaserMinesweeper Cursors
by Matias0211243Minesweeper cursors set, with the flag, the mine and the smiley. The ...
Red Yellow Blue Violet shiny TeaserRed Yellow Blue Violet shiny Cursors
by Matias0211188Multicolored Shiny Matías 0211 [[icon:7001][[icon:6988]][[icon:7008]...
Black Shiny TeaserBlack Shiny Cursors
by Matias02113314Standard shiny black cursors with shadow. See also these cursors [[cu...
Rayman TeaserRayman Cursors
by Matias02112476Rayman para tu puntero!! Si, salieron chiquitos ... no supe donde má...
Mines TeaserMines Cursors
by Matias0211428De mi anterior set de cursores de buscaminas! (
Serpiente TeaserSerpiente Cursors
by Matias0211645Divertido puntero como si fuese una serpiente hecha de bolitas Matía...
Azul Marino TeaserAzul Marino Cursors
by Matias0211939Bueno, creo yo que algunos quedaron con un buen aspecto y otros no, o...
Worms TeaserWorms Cursors
by Matias02111018The cute worms of the videogame, now in your cursor! Updated! See als...
Wario Land 3 TeaserWario Land 3 Cursors
by Matias0211667I've used some sprites from Wario Land 3 to create this cursor set :)...
ABC Unown TeaserABC Unown Icons
by Matias02111327ABC pokemons unowns Matías 0211 [[icon:7001]][[icon:6988]][[icon:700...
Standard 3D TeaserStandard 3D Cursors
by Matias02111060Standard cursors in 3D and shadow Matías 0211 [[icon:7001][[icon:698...
MarioSuperStar TeaserMarioSuperStar Cursors
by Matias02118643My own Mario cursor set. See also these cursors [[cursor:37005]] [[c...
Pac-Maniac TeaserPac-Maniac Cursors
by Matias02113157A variety of Pac-Maniac cursors! (Ghost colors, positions and formats...
I wish there were...
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