Tenzue, Vlasta might ban you for saying that ngl.. You're literally insulting the creator of the website. :/
Discord: vlasta#8755
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Tenzue, Vlasta might ban you for saying that ngl.. You're literally insulting the creator of the website. :/
Oh yeah
My apologies Vlasta for saying you suck. That was very informal of me knowing you're the owner of this site. I would like to show respect and my greatest attitude towards you! I wasn't feeling myself when saying that.
Nice reflexion TenZue!!
Hi I have something new in my profile!!
Also information actualizated and added the section about me and important notice in my profile!!
Vlasta, as you may know, there is a user named ZueTen, AKA Black Hawk, he has been making death threats towards TenZue and knows XTikans password, I recommend you block, delete and ban his account, he as been boycotting quite a few of our users and had repulsive images also known as hentai, on his page of a game character named Ankha from Animal Crossing.
Власта, есть этот надоедливый чувак по имени «ZueTen», который подменил мое имя, пытаясь выдать себя за меня, и шантажировать меня на этом сайте. Он также был известен как «Черный Ястреб» — пользователь, которого вы забанили ранее. Пожалуйста, забаньте его, потому что в его профиле было неприемлемое изображение, он сказал, что взломал xTikans и т. д. Он сказал, что даже убьет моего майнкрафт-кота, что очень грубо.
Hey Vlasta,
There is this user called koolman69 and he made a cusor pack about, well you.
Here´s the link it´s very bad http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/hating-vlasta-because-he-is-dumb
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