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Sethelis's profile

View Sethelis's timeline, last visit on August 10th 2012

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Name:Daniel C. Wolf

I am not ordinary. We could leave it at that but if you want to know...I don't have nightmares...I make them...

Featured art


New Soft Pro Cursors (9 cursors)

Released on November 7th 2010 by Sethelis

Soft pro now in Aero style!!!

Latest art

New Soft Pro TeaserNew Soft Pro Cursors
by Sethelis804Soft pro now in Aero style!!!
Square GreenX TeaserSquare GreenX Cursors
by Sethelis563I got the idea from cursor-set/doublediamond
Simple Group TeaserSimple Group Icons
by Sethelis494I had a Hard Drive CRASH!!! Will update soon!
Black Soft TeaserBlack Soft Cursors
by Sethelis992Thought I'd make a second Soft. Not so pro :(
Soft pro TeaserSoft pro Cursors
by Sethelis2166*UPDATED* Soft pro is a basic cursor set that puts big, easy, and of ...

Forum topics, where Sethelis participated

Recent comments

user icon Tails the fox registered user on February 16th 2011

allright :-)

user icon FeniulaPyra registered user on June 18th 2011


user icon Anonymous on July 24th 2011

Love the New Soft Pro cursors!
It would be great if you completed the set with all other different statusses.

user icon Sethelis registered user on August 10th 2012

I'll be changing up my uploads soon. Please bear with me... ;-)

user icon Anonymous on October 15th 2022

looking forward to a black version of the first softpro cursors you released. if you see this, thanks for reading my comment ;-)

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
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What about ICL files?
I wish there were...