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nietasey's profile

View nietasey's timeline, last visit on December 14th 2013

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aQ tUw ang'a :
_Lmyand sbar
_lmyan t0mboy
_agak baauuueel
_sUka oLhrg
_plg bNci kLw dbo0ngin,khianatin,dgoDain..
_kLw aD yg nyKtin aQ atw org yg Q syank pst bkaL aQ bLz Lbh drPd aP yg uDa dy bwt
_Lmyand pnter;hahahaha

lbh jLs'a tny aDja degh ama org2 yg dket aMa aQ. . .
atw trSerah kLiandt maw nLae aQ gMn :-)
ha,ha,ha. . .

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user icon nietasey registered user on January 4th 2012

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

user icon Lost Girl registered user on February 26th 2012


user icon Anonymous on March 12th 2012

heyy can u plz make name ones... one that says shun loves keira and one that says keira loves shaun also one that says boots plz and thankyou

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...