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bang_tidy (2011-11-01 10:52:51 / 5 stars):

sweet job bro
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Cameron (2011-11-01 15:44:52 / 4 stars):

its good i like it -.-

ZeloZelos (2011-11-01 20:11:48 / 4.5 stars):

Do I get an extra guy for each one i use? HAhaaa. I love Supermario, Luigi is my fav (cuz he likes green) 8-)

Ricon (2011-11-06 15:15:12 / 3.5 stars):

I hate it though.

bang_tidy (2011-11-07 10:33:20):

why do you hate it?

clarkey_96 (2011-11-14 21:19:40):

@Ricon bit harsh??

Hextatron (2011-11-15 10:04:12):

Pretty cool man... ricon u suck arse

jojois74 (2011-11-15 22:28:10 / 5 stars):

These are good. :-)

Ricon (2011-11-23 03:39:58):

"Dude! Why do you say I suck ass?!?"
@clarkey96 "I don't mean I hate it,
I just don't like some. Sorry for being
a bit harsh.

Ricon (2012-01-12 02:43:39):

changed my rating.
sorry dude.

NEOC (2012-03-17 18:26:00 / 3 stars):

I don't like the handrawing too much, especially when using the pen. Next time, try using the paintbrush.

Anyway, you used creatively that hallucinogen shroom, no?

But the next time, try to make the arrow and the picture in the cursor simetric: both the arrow and the picture must have the same predominancy in the canvas.

@Ricon: Yes, you're too harsh sometimes.

Matias0211 (2012-03-22 14:59:32 / 3 stars):

No me gustan mucho, tu idea es buena pero a mi gusto no le convence jajajaja.
Te voy a dar 3 estrellas porque no tenés todos completos por que en fin, los supiste usar bien :-)

SoaringEagle789 (2012-03-27 03:43:34 / 5 stars):

man, can these sets get any better? yes they can!

Nintendo (2012-04-05 07:12:54 / 5 stars):

not very well detailed but 5 stars for effort hardwork and custom parts

mike-for-JESUS (2013-02-08 21:56:39 / 2.5 stars):

cool ... i like the level up one and how they match Mario the game.

HNMunchey (2013-03-11 20:43:50 / 3.5 stars):

It's ok, nice job. You should add more cursers.

deadly bro (2013-05-02 22:58:22 / 4 stars):

really kool but not complete add more roles and cursors so it is better

Unknown author (2013-09-19 08:34:22):

Windows 7 1-up Edition :-)

Unknown author (2014-07-14 12:07:17):

you forgot the diagonal cursors

Imagine (2014-09-02 14:13:40):

draw the mushrooms from super mario world 1 (snes)

look in the internet

adrenochromedream (2017-11-07 22:09:10 / 5 stars):


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