Cursor Library - sets #3361-3400

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Cursor sets

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Patamon_Digimon TeaserPatamon_Digimon Cursors
by SteinsGamer2238A set of cursors featuring Patamon (my personal favourite digimon).
Custom Windows 8 TeaserCustom Windows 8 Cursors
by nibbler1294Arrow is included.
Color TeaserColor Cursors
by nibbler1042Available in 7 different colours: * White * Red * Orange * Yellow * G...
google Dinosaurio Teasergoogle Dinosaurio Cursors
by leonarditons12862
b0sumi ⚫ Teaserb0sumi ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx574A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Philo ⚫ TeaserPhilo ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx4113A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2007 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
NeuroSpin ⚪ TeaserNeuroSpin ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx1454A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Fallout: New Vegas TeaserFallout: New Vegas Cursors
by Pontoon5331A set of cursors inspired by the Fallout: New Vegas video game. The s...
Cookie Clicker TeaserCookie Clicker Cursors
by nibbler2474These were sprites ripped from the game Cookie Clicker Version 2. Her...
Cookie Clicker (Icons) TeaserCookie Clicker (Icons) Cursors
by nibbler433Ripped from Cookie Clicker.
Mario's Early Years Series TeaserMario's Early Years Series Cursors
by nibbler272Ripped from Mario's Early Years.
Bottom's Up ⚪ TeaserBottom's Up ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx403A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2002 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
The Point - Blue ⚫ TeaserThe Point - Blue ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx759A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2004 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Schwarz II ⚫ TeaserSchwarz II ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx306A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Candy Corn TeaserCandy Corn Cursors
by nibbler243A remix of oriolego's Candy Corn cursor set |5/9/2016|Set created |-...
Scroll Bar TeaserScroll Bar Cursors
by nibbler251These ones: * Original Vertical Scrolling Cursor.cur * Original Horiz...
OxidGlas ⚫ TeaserOxidGlas ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3498A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Andrea's Choice ⚪ TeaserAndrea's Choice ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx4037A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Blaze - Blue TeaserBlaze - Blue Cursors
by AJaxx3749A fun cursor set in both sizes [32,48] for windows. Added extra/bonus...
Bernds Version 2 TeaserBernds Version 2 Cursors
by Bernd_L533Lime / light green is by far my favourite colour. This set is useful,...
Angel Fire ⚪ TeaserAngel Fire ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx2162A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2008 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
GT3 ⚫ TeaserGT3 ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx3670A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2004 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Chance ⚫ TeaserChance ⚫ Cursors
by AJaxx606A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
trap life 541 akruh Teasertrap life 541 akruh Cursors
by Slimwadey4160yay yaya yaya
New Super Mario World TeaserNew Super Mario World Cursors
by nibbler8884Sprites made by Rapid the Hedgehog and Artie. Inspiration came from G...
Earthbound Sprites (these stink!) TeaserEarthbound Sprites (these stink!) Cursors
by soupy starmen288Various Earthbound cursors I made. I didn't put a visible pointer on ...
square Teasersquare Cursors
by The Male Boss875 similar square cursors
The Chosen Four TeaserThe Chosen Four Cursors
by soupy starmen400More Earthbound cursors but of just the main party. Again I didn't pu...
PS4 Controller Buttons TeaserPS4 Controller Buttons Cursors
by nibbler728These are custom sprites from the Spriter's Resource. Converted into ...
Meow Spin TeaserMeow Spin Cursors
by Sparky1458This set was completed at 3AM after a few hours of work, done complet...
XBOX1 Controller Buttons TeaserXBOX1 Controller Buttons Cursors
by nibbler524These are custom sprites from the Spriter's Resource. Converted into ...
WiiU Controller Buttons TeaserWiiU Controller Buttons Cursors
by nibbler285These are custom sprites from the Spriter's Resource. Converted into ...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?