There's a movement to stop Nibbles from stealing. Nibblet, don't you get it? You suck! And ur funny looking!!
Ripped from Cookie Clicker.
There's a movement to stop Nibbles from stealing. Nibblet, don't you get it? You suck! And ur funny looking!!
HEY! I DID NOT STEAL ANYTHING! And it's Nibbler, not Nibbles and not Nibblet!
Screw you, random Anon!
Yea, the-person-that-is-rude-that-calls-me-nipples-or-nibblet-or-nippler Anonymous! Stop.
@ Nibbler
Yes, I believe you have stolen something.
Ripped is slang for stolen.
In your set description here you state “Ripped from Cookie Clicker.“.
Did you even try to contact the game owners to request permission to use these icons as you have?
That would have been appropriate.
I don't even see a link to the game or website.
You seem to think that it is alright for you to use other people's work as you like with no regard for how they might feel about it. Perhaps the owners might have some objection to the use of these icons in this manner. I am sure the images are copyrighted, they are in a game.
Yeah, you just don't care.
You are the one that needs to STOP.
Stop acting so indignant when someone points out your misdeeds.
Stop uploading stolen images on this website.
. . .
No, I actually made these.
where iz the chancemaker
5 out of 5 stars.
so cool
Ripping is not a slang for stolen.
It's slang for ripping people off. This is unrelated.
Many people rip sprites and use them for their projects, including cursors. ALSO, you don't need to talk to the original creator of this game (Orteil in this case), you just need to give credit.
Look at other people doing it. They do the same thing! Look at the Mario and Sonic cursors for example. Those sprites are ripped from a game. What do you expect?
Deal with it. Tons of people are doing it today.
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