I might make a no-registry-fuss, 32x variation.
Thing is, I'd have to get omit WAIT.bmp,
& omit or alter some of the crosshairs.
Typing of,
The beautiful WAIT.bmp cursor
surpassed the 32 pixels boundary,
ergo I tailored this set to a 64x canvas.
write "size" in the start bar,
click "Change Cursor Size",
set the slider to 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, or 15,
then change the cursor set to this.
go to "run",
type regedit in the window's text bar,
the Registry Editor opens,
go to the directory
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors
(you can copy-paste it in the window's top bar),
right-click on the "CursorBaseSize" value,
left-click on "Modify", then check "Decimal",
& change the value from 32 to 64 or better yet 128.
This change will apply on the next restart.
Crediting :
Design: Vince Bracken, Adam T. Clayton, Christopher Shen
Graphics / Artwork:
David Christenson, Kraig Count, Newton Ewell,
Michael D. Hunter, John Kilbourn, Kelly Kofoed,
Chad Lee, Keith Musig, Jill Rhead, Virginia Sargent, Mary Scriven
Additional Graphics / Artwork: Michael D. Hunter
Release serie 2
Changes in s.2 :
-Fixed colours (& some hotspots) in all resizers&movers;
-Added two camera cursors for Mac users,
one is just a UI button, the other is
a highly speculative adaptation.
Changes in s1bis :
-Added a whopping 5 cursors for the two
diagonal resize roles (& diagonal scroll),
totaling a whopping 10, just for diagonal;
-Fixed ARRACKGROUND's animation speed (it appears dizzy-fast in-game ;
-Added the forgotten NOATTACKGROUND.
Changes in the update from the WiP to s1 :
-Canvas size changed from 60 to 64.
Other sets based on 32x canvas ought display zoomed,
without any distortion, & possibly without
the screen behaving funny! ;
-"Fixed" the firing cursors' animation speed
(believe it or not, they're dizzy-fast in-game too!)
-Improvised move, horizontal&vertical resize,
based off high-quality screenshots showing
UI navigation arrows & the yellow ARROW.bmp
-Help (Ĭs, book, hammer, red cross or variants)
-Coronet for person sel.?
Tags: Game Sci-fi Fantasy Windows XP □ Multicolored Crosshair Application
I might make a no-registry-fuss, 32x variation.
Thing is, I'd have to get omit WAIT.bmp,
& omit or alter some of the crosshairs.
Typing of,
Yep yep yep,
I intend to fix it... & will.
5 out of 5 stars.
Its nice seeing tiny cursors for a change.
Uhm... they're not meant to be tiny... ("^A^)
did you make that registry edit & restart?
...maybe I ought've made the canvas 64x,
that way 32x sets would remain coherent with the scaling...
5 out of 5 stars.
Hello collector, very nice set, with the pointer size set to "3" in Windows, it displays correctly! Please, I await the complete set!
Ay yo, wololo,
where did (unused)CANCEL.bmp go?
Oh nvm, was there all along.
...wth, I saved the resize cursors as .ani xD
This may get a 32x-compliant
twin set that'll vilify the
beauti that is the wait cursor...
the reason? Accessibility ~
People can't be bothered to
edit the registry,
fiddle with the size slider,
or simply just read a description.
Sadly, this entails redundance,
which does bother me a fair bit...
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