Cursor Set - Army Men RTS

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Army Men RTS Cursors

Army Men RTS
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

Serie 1bis

ALL the cursors
from Army Men RTS
(+the non-cursor loading spinner),
a passable title with
a very neat concept & setting,
but not much else to speak of...
it doesn't do anything wrong,
but it's not a MAIVS OPVS either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My sorely lacking graphical preparation
combined with the likeness of these assets
forbids me from making any decent edits...

ARMY MEN used to be a 3DO trademark(then it went bankrupt),
& Army Men RTS was made by Pandemic studios
(gee, I respect developers' work, but what an ugly name!).
Will see to have a few names listed here
as customary with my sets... eventually...

I didn't make these, the devs did.

I don't own 'em & have no say about licensing.

-Rip the in-game I-beam(my expectations are low tho)
-Make a WIB? No?
-Add the two unused copter cursors I forgot...hurr-duhrr

P.S.: Yes, the atk cursor does, show with the barely-visible artifact in-game.

P.P.S.: This set LACKS some of the most quintessential cursor types :
resize & move. As far as desktop use goes, this set is pretty bad...

What's new in serie1bis :
-I added the two unused transport heli cursors I had forgotten, silly me;
-Adjustments to names&roles.

Tags: Application Game Cartoon Windows XP □ Multicolored Simple Symbol


by ꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂

See also

Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 1st 2024

5 out of 5 stars.

I like those circles that you have made to make this cursor set.

I did not make those circles ;Þ
(the devs did back in the early 2000s)

Hey THTH, if you're reading this, uhm...
RIDDLER kind-of overrated this incomplete set,
could you help me low down its rating,
pretty please? ;Þ

2nd Oct. 2024,
A possible configuration :

Normal - normal.cur(duh)
Help - CmdFix.cur or Airsupport.cur
Workiŋ - CmdGatheresource.ani
Busy - NotCursrButEngineLoading.ani
Precision - Gee, no clue... CmdAtk.cur ?
Text select - Should I rip the in-game I-beam? It sucks
Hand-writiŋ - 404 not found (how much use does it get anyway?)
Unavailable - Can't.cur
Resize verti - 404 not found(yet)
Resize horiz. - (unused)Wire.cur
Resize diagonals - 404 not found
Move/pan/scroll - Move(unarmedUnit.cur
Link(hand) - CmdMove(armedUnit.cur

Alt sel. - Why are you playiŋ Win9x Freecell?!
Loc.sel. - SetRallyPoint.cur
Person sel. - Idk(yet.cur

I should verify
the animation speed
of the spinner...

user icon Anonymous