Cursor Set - Abby's Awesome Website

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Abby's Awesome Website Cursors

Abby's Awesome Website
  • Published on July 3rd 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.8 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Yes, I know this set breaks the "all cursors must be related to each other" rule. I made it so I have an internet location for these cursors so I can offer them on my website. It is easier if they are all together in one set. I will add more as I create them.

Tags: □ Multicolored


by absterninja

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon cdl contributing user on January 4th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

lol.. Abby's Awesome Website Cursors are awesome!
love em! how did I miss these? icon-image/3089-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on February 15th 2013

Oh great. Now they're doing originals.

user icon MariaPiu registered user on July 16th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

These cursors are so cool! Especially the mustache one! icon-image/8398-32x32x32.png image

user icon ⎛⎝ Gabriel ⎠⎞ registered user on August 2nd 2021

4.5 out of 5 stars.

very good :-)

user icon Anonymous