Cursor Set - All Phats

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All Phats Cursors

All Phats
  • Published on June 22nd 2010 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Runescape red, yellow, white, green, blue, and purple party hat plus x-mas cracker.

Tags: □ Multicolored RuneScape


by Nick

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Teddy registered user on June 25th 2010

3.5 out of 5 stars.

the white one is not so good because of the black shape
just use the rw shadow function it will like much better then
the other p hats are the best on this site

user icon Nick registered user on June 28th 2010

I redid The White One

user icon Anonymous on February 21st 2011

can u make animated party hat that changes trough each party hat

user icon Nick registered user on March 4th 2011

good idea!

user icon Anonymous on April 28th 2011

I am trying to do this on my labtop and eevery time i download it it comes up as a note pad not the actual picture. :-o

user icon Anonymous on September 3rd 2011

i want animated p hat cursor 8-)?

i want animated p hat cursor? 8-)

user icon Nick registered user on June 25th 2012

^^^ Check out my newest set 8-)

user icon Anonymous on June 30th 2012

i like them`

user icon ~SparkyPanda~ registered user on February 15th 2014

2.5 out of 5 stars.

I like ur other item sets. but could u work on makin them a little less jagged and rough? I think they would look a lot nicer and more like actual runescape.

user icon Anonymous