Basketball Cursors
32 & 48 px. Optional animated cursors & left-hands included.
= 4 S.O.=
5 out of 5 stars.
This is one awesome series. I wonder what software is used for this..I didn't notice before, the closed hands grabbing the hotspot. Nice! ... I like the text select better without the mini-indicator, but that's just my quirk. And backward compatible with win3.x! You appear to be THE rocket-scientist of cursors. If you designed space shuttles, we'd be on Mars already LOL
Oh, and your angled hand shape is the best.
5 out of 5 stars.
Great! Basketball themed and orange. You sir are a genius.
So cool! it is classic! :-D
3 out of 5 stars.
sooo cooooool
I like it when the guy bangs the ball on his head
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