Cursor Set - B&P Beizer shaping

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B&P Beizer shaping Cursors

B&P Beizer shaping
  • Published on May 16th 2015 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3.8 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

shaping with Bezier affect. Animated and static except for the precision, text, and unavailable.


by Biker

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Biker registered user on May 16th 2015

Yes I spelled it wrong on perpuss cuzz I dozn't spezles so wells

user icon Anonymous on May 16th 2015

Very good biker! To be honest, I do not really spell to good either. 8-)

user icon The Male Boss registered user on May 28th 2015

3.5 out of 5 stars.

i like the design i find these hard to use though but good work.
i admit these will never be my cup of tea but good.
but there at my standerd.

user icon Biker registered user on May 29th 2015

This was fun to do, I played with this for a day or 2 to get the fell of the operation. I'm go for a dancing person and not quite there yet. going to be more than a couple of days. :-D didn't think It would get any downloads. 3:)

user icon J registered user on May 30th 2015

4 out of 5 stars.

but animations can surely be made smooth

user icon Anonymous on June 4th 2015

Among my favorite cursors. I got used to them immediately and I am still using them though I am the kind of person to change her cursors every couple of days. The contours are a little bit smudgy. They look as if you tried to sharpen them then smudged them to give them the appropriate look. In spite of this I insist on giving you five stars because I am having fun using them and as a way to reward your creativity.

user icon Anonymous