Cursor Set - SOME Strike Squad 1993

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SOME Strike Squad 1993 Cursors

SOME Strike Squad 1993
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

10 downloads! Can we get to 12?


I recommend changing cursor size!
If you have Win 10 or 11 :
Go to Start, write "size",
click "Change Cursor Size".
The values 3 & 5 might be the fittest,
but other prime numbers, 7, 11, 13, 15,
all display nicely.


Once we enter our nickname
(or a bunch of A's, like an arcade player),
we're shown a legend illustrating each in-game cursor & its purpose (except the normal arrow).

I thought this game was a GOLD MINE!
But then, I found out...
at least HALF of then change color
depending on which mercenary is currently selected,

This ISN'T a cursor gold-mine,

... I'll probably skip a few.
Might consider releasing a few
twin sets... I don't know...

Credits :

Lead art: D.Burke
Additional art : S.Beam, M.Söderwall, S.Baker

Rest of the credits here :

Release serie 1.
What's new :
-Normal arrow (the merc."Chap" is selected,
thus the arrow bears his colours);
-Deceased (the skull. Proposed here as "unavailable");
-Off-site, here proposed as a horizontal resizer;
-Custom vertical resizer made from the arrows
seen in the "Give" & "Take" modes' cursors;
-Choose entity, target enemy, & target furniture cursors
(merc."Comanche" is selected, thus they bear his color);
-Two pars of custom diagonals. One is based off
the normal arrow, with off-site colors.
The other is based off the GO;
-(Select)Mercenary, merc."Squawk" is currently selected.

The set is now usable, although
those colours are a tad inconsistent.
The weird hotspots are intentional,
as they're funny in-game too.
The crosshairs were given a centered one,
as was the custom link finger, in each case
for practicality in mind.

Back in the early release :
-In-game WAIT cursor, & the loading game variant;
-Fly-to-location cursor (GO);
-Custom NO, based off the GO (déjà-vû!);
-Input from keyboard (hand on the device),
no merc selection variant;
-Custom link selector based off of it;
-Chap's arrow with custom WiB;
-Use med-kit cross.

Missing :
-Color-coherent cursor variations;
-A custom mover (vehicle cursor?);
-The follow, peaceful entity, give, take, talk;
-Hotspots could be incorrect.

Tags: □ Multicolored Sci-fi Game Crosshair Symbol Space Text


by ꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂

See also

That's So Random Too TeaserThat's So Random Too Cursors
by adrenochromedream1157huge lot of random cursors
Gamers Paradise TeaserGamers Paradise Cursors
by Fallen496All the essential cursers for a gamer IYKYK. Space invader main curse...
Manic mix TeaserManic mix Cursors
by adrenochromedream2889a manic mix of cursors

Recent reviews and comments

...I'm still unsure where the symbol tag is unfit...

Did you change cursor size
before setting 'em? ;-)

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 24th

5 out of 5 stars.


I must verify,
whether the "ride vehicle" cursor
changes to the color
of the currently selected merc.

Given its white filler
in the legend screen,
it's very likely.

Due to a lack of screenshots
(including the manual) & video,
one needs to actually
play part of it.

user icon Anonymous