Cursor Set - Cute Frogs

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Cute Frogs Cursors

Cute Frogs
  • Published on November 2nd 2010 by .
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
2 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

2 cute frogs and one science-based cursor to upload the whole thing (you can only upload a set if it contains 3 cursors or more).

Tags: Animal ■ Green


by Teddy

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Teddy registered user on November 2nd 2010

Comment it, please!

user icon Vlasta site administrator on November 4th 2010

The frogs are cute ;-) though the 3rd cursor does not fit in... There is a reason a set should have at least 3 cursors.

user icon Teddy registered user on November 5th 2010

I know ... the problem is that single cursors always get lost in this giant junkyard :-D

user icon Vlasta site administrator on November 5th 2010

that is why there is the search function

user icon Teddy registered user on April 13th 2011

well but there are so many visitors on this site who dont know that there is a search function or who dont use it
well however I'll try to not do this again ^^

user icon ScienceDiscoverer registered user on February 17th 2012

Hmm my SciCursor ;-)
You really liked it? :-)

user icon Matias0211 registered user on March 20th 2012

Sapos ... aveces me siento distinguido con ellos ... siempre me ando comiendo bichos ... (por cierto, "bicho" acá a demás de insecto, se le dice a las mujeres o chicas que no son tan lindas) ... pero bueno, en realidad no es cierto :-D

user icon Anonymous