Cursor Set - DMZ

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DMZ Cursors

  • Published on February 4th 2025 by .
  • Released under the Attribution+NonCommercial (CC by-nc) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Standard theme from Ubuntu ported to Windows, with some customs.

Old link can be found here:

Tags: Linux Windows 10 Application Computer Crosshair □ White


by nibbler

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon noahly registered user on February 4th

i sure do love unnamed, the sixth one's my favorite

user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 4th

I didn't have time to name the cursors. I'll do that tomorrow. I'm sorry. :-D

user icon Anonymous on February 4th

simple but pretty nice cursors :-)

user icon Anonymous on February 4th

please nema cursors

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 4th

5 out of 5 stars.

There is already an existing DMZ cursor set. Why bother re-upload it?

Simply use the Search bar to find it. Type DMZ and you will find it.

user icon Cursor Mania registered user on February 5th

5 out of 5 stars.

So big and massive I like a lot!! Would be more like this??
5/5 :-D

user icon BestBud112 registered user on February 9th

Neat! 8-)

user icon Anonymous