Cursor Set - Runescape God Swords

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Runescape God Swords Cursors

Runescape God Swords
  • Published on November 4th 2007 by enigma.
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
3.9 out of 5 stars. (39 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

i am fixing this set and changing the godswords so they arent blurer also adding new items

Tags: RuneScape


by enigma

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on June 12th 2011

in the same time is fun but can't open the folder :-D

user icon Anonymous on October 23rd 2011

how do u get it on rs :-(

user icon Anonymous on November 11th 2011

ok so... i downloaded an ags cursor... but it doesnt work on runescape, in on of the comments it says go on runescape settings and change it instead of gold arrows/cursor. can somebody please help me on how to put it on runescape, i will really apreciate it. thank you very much, hope somebody helps me :-) :-D :-) :-D

user icon Anonymous on January 14th 2012

Nice... im level 130 Thank you ;-)

user icon Anonymous on February 16th 2012

Hey to get that on rs go to custom settings and set custom cursors off.

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on September 5th 2012

3.5 out of 5 stars.

3.5 stars for effort, I think this set would be better if it had more cursors. There are a lot of runescape sets on this site and some have a lot more cursors than yours.


user icon Anonymous on January 6th 2013

Works :P

user icon Anonymous on April 1st 2013

what program do i need to open up the file and b able to find the file when finding a mouse cursor?

user icon ~SparkyPanda~ registered user on February 15th 2014

3 out of 5 stars.

The swords themselves are good but could you work on making them a little clearer? that would be great :-D

user icon Anonymous on October 31st 2018

Yeet. I love Runsape

user icon Anonymous