Cursor Set - Executive

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Executive Cursors

  • Published on August 6th 2012 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

TO use the following cursors go to control panel
then personalization and then click on change mouse pointers then there click browse and replace the cursors with these.
To replace cursors click browse and then open the folder in which you have saved the executive cursor set and click ok
Do the same for the rest of the cursors...

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Blue Knight\'s Cursor Making, Icon Making and Logo Designing.

- Zeeshaan


by Zeeshaan

See also

Bevel Blue TeaserBevel Blue Cursors
by Cadeyn916My First Cursor set.
Digimon Master TeaserDigimon Master Cursors
by padu008328Digimon Master cursors.
Custom2: Guns TeaserCustom2: Guns Cursors
by egarcia13604698Several cursors including guns for each role.
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by SYNTHCRѺ21kThis epic animated set contains cursors that look like circuit boards...
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by SYNTHCRѺ471A set of cursors designs to look like cherry wood. I made this set du...

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Zeeshaan registered user on August 6th 2012

If u guys want any Custom made cursor set just give me a request Via email in an attached notepad document and email it to and u will get a confirmation email including the date and time the set will be ready once its ready i will post it on this site and you can download it.

Thanks!!! 8-)

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on August 6th 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

The hot spot in the precision select is in the wrong place

user icon Zeeshaan registered user on August 7th 2012

Thanks for telling me i am new with that software

user icon egarcia1360 registered user on August 15th 2012

4 out of 5 stars.

I like this set, even though I don't really understand the theme, but you're missing the Precision Select, although I take it you're fixing the hot spot. Also, you can tell you didn't spend tima on the working in Background and Busy cursors because they're program-made shapes. However, good job. 8-)

user icon Zeeshaan registered user on August 16th 2012

this set is basically designed for my dad who is an executive and this is for executive pesonals

user icon Anonymous on October 17th 2012

missing a few :-(

user icon Anonymous on September 20th 2013

the 'move' one reminds you with a crosshair or something like that

user icon OMCE registered user on January 4th 2014

3 out of 5 stars.

@egarcia1360: Kinda, but idk why the last two are pink. Seems good enough for a 3 icon-image/9235-16x16x32.png image, i guess |-)

user icon The Heights registered user on February 2nd 2014

5 out of 5 stars.

Love the icons Seeshaan, good job on them. I like the detail you have in them, thanks a lot for letting us share them.

Thanks "The Heights" :-D

user icon Anonymous