Cursor Set - Flashing Animated

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Flashing Animated Cursors

Flashing Animated
  • Published on September 2nd 2011 by jojois74.
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
4 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

An animated flashing cursor set!


by jojois74

See also

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user icon jojois74 registered user on September 5th 2011


user icon jojois74 registered user on September 5th 2011

Note: the four dots that appear in the (new) unavailable cursor, are part of the hotspot marker in the background, not the cursor itself. Also, the hotspots are now fixed for the re-size cursors. Sorry for the people who downloaded the ones with bad hotspots.

user icon FeniulaPyra registered user on September 7th 2011

4.5 out of 5 stars.

they're nice cursors. I really liked the busy one. it looked like sound shooting down a hallway almost :-) . Maybe you could make some of them flash smiley-frowny-smiley-frowny-smiley-frowny... you get the idea.

user icon jojois74 registered user on September 7th 2011

Ok, thanks.

user icon jojois74 registered user on September 8th 2011

I added the smiley face cursor.

user icon Erik registered user on September 12th 2011

3.5 out of 5 stars.


user icon Anonymous on November 9th 2011


user icon Intellisthetics registered user on December 12th 2011

3 out of 5 stars.

icon-image/6488-64x64x32.png image

user icon cdl contributing user on January 23rd 2013

4 out of 5 stars.

lol! Working flashing almost hurts my eye!

very nice! very visible! very flashy!

they make me feel happy! lol

icon-image/8398-32x32x32.png image

user icon jojois74 registered user on January 23rd 2013

I'm glad, I made this a little while ago. Yes, I would not recommend this to people who get seizers easily, I guess....

user icon Anonymous