Cursor Set - Skull Squad

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Skull Squad Cursors

Skull Squad
  • Published on October 14th 2018 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.
So, the Skull Trooper is back in item shop with new colors. That means that i had to recolor original cursors and make a new set. Sorry that i could not make a cursor with a special color for these who have OG Skull Trooper. This set fits both Skull Trooper and Skull Ranger outfits.
Check "Skull Trooper" set for link selects.
Thanks for attention!


by Nikentomolog

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon miauwicat registered user on October 14th 2018

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Wow Niceeee

user icon Nikentomolog registered user on October 14th 2018

Thanks :-)

user icon Anonymous on October 21st 2018

This is amazing! but your missing one cursor its the "Link Select" One.
Would be nice to see that one added!

user icon Nikentomolog registered user on October 21st 2018

I wrote about them in description. Link selects are in my "Skull Trooper" set. Here's the link :

user icon Anonymous on October 24th 2018

this is dope

user icon Anonymous on November 10th 2021


user icon Anonymous