Cursor Set - Fortnite - Dj Yonder

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Fortnite - Dj Yonder Cursors

Fortnite - Dj Yonder
  • Published on October 14th 2018 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

At first, i am sorry that normal and link selects don't fit the set. I made a bonus cursor that fits the set.

The normal select cursor was cut out of Dj Yonder's ear, using "Cursor from image" feature.

Please contact me if there are any mistakes

thanks for reading, good luck! ;-)


by Nikentomolog

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on October 24th 2018

4 out of 5 stars.

This looks like there are two cursor sets here.
You should remove one and make a second set for it like "DJ Yonder Normal Select Cursors" or something.
it just seems really big for one set, since half of the cursors are don't go with the others.
But as for quality, good job!

user icon Atlaas registered user on July 5th 2020

4 out of 5 stars.

i agree with TyranicalRex^^

user icon Anonymous on April 4th

this is rizzy

user icon Anonymous