Cursor Set - INCORRECT NEEDS FIX Gloriana(Elizabeth I) DOS assets

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INCORRECT NEEDS FIX Gloriana(Elizabeth I) DOS assets Cursors

INCORRECT NEEDS FIX Gloriana(Elizabeth I) DOS assets
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.




will improvise a more constructive description eventually

Crediting :

Graphic artists -
P.Eickmeyer, M.Grohe, A.Hankock,
R.Langenkämper, A.Postert ;
Graphic editing : A.Baciulis & S.Schwengelbeck

The rest of the credits is here :


Containing :

-All the proper game cursors : the mouse pointer used
in the main meus & sea battle practice (possibly also campaign battles),
the coat of arms cursors used in the campaign by the respective player/s
who picked such armorials at the start;
-Blue armorial cursor from an earlier version of the game,
as seen in one of the intro scenes (literal screenshots lol);
-Five help selectors based off blue&yellow arms, & the in-game text;
-Blursed I-beam based off the yellow arms cursor
(...could also be used as a verti resizer...);
-Five unavailable cursors based off red & yellow arms;
-A witty animated cursor inspired by the cursor glitch in the intro
(in one of the final black screens, the mouse pointer will quickly flash,
likely in blue, possibly also very dark gray);
-Two custom movers, & one of each resizer, made from the sea battle weathervane
(or rather, wind-indicating arrow), their palettes swapped to that of the gray chevron
in the armorial cursors (except one shade);
-Heavily edited WiB off the mouse cursor, inspired by the Amiga Workbench cursors,
with "z" letters reverse-engineered from the sea battle glyphs;
-Two double-Z wait cursors, still Amiga-inspired.
Those Z are in-game glyphs, screencapped from the campaign setup screen;
-An upward weather-vane arrow, recoloured
like the movers & resizers (I had
no ideas for link or alias, so...
have an alt-select-like pointer lol).

Next update :
-The ugly in-game txt-input marker?
-Three custom I-beams?
-Weathervane & CoArsors gray precision crosshair/s?
-Yellow CoA horiz.resizer?
-Row & column selectors?

Tags: □ Multicolored Game Metal ■ Silver Shiny Symbol Animal


by ꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

the mouse has some black pixels
missing from the left ear,
just as seen in-game.

Ought I produce
a fix however...?
. |-)

Aaand currently 6 of them have animalia,
one of them has three,
make that 8 creatures total,
methinks I can seize that "Animal" tag,
even without unneeded variations
of the mouse pointer
(there's 8 variations used as UI graphics,
2 more with the glitch, if we were to
include the Amiga-esque Zs, we'd end up with...
28-to-40 mouse pointers...
seems a tad redundant, yes?)

user icon THTH registered user on February 25th

5 out of 5 stars.

Nice set, I liked the normal cursor and the resize arrows, I'll download it too!!!

user icon Anonymous