I like them but the hot spots seem to be off like on the precision one (that's not good one to mess the hot spot up on unless its a prank)
this is my second roles set i kinda actually made more roles in this set other than the high contrast set of black and cyan hope it's good
(have a good day)
I like them but the hot spots seem to be off like on the precision one (that's not good one to mess the hot spot up on unless its a prank)
i obviously didn't like the set but i will repair the hotspots just tell me what cursors
Text and precision
i fixed them now the hotspot is in the center of the precision
4 out of 5 stars.
I love this set! =D
;-) ash dawhwndbashdcbaywdgsajdchquit43fcyqft2 ef275e x
5 out of 5 stars.
I classify this cursor set as yellow rather than gold because it is more yellow than gold.
wheres the busy
2 out of 5 stars.
The busy it don't want to stay, jejeje
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