Cursor Set - Green

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Green Cursors

  • Published on April 9th 2018 by .
  • Released under the Free Art (copyleft) license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Green cursors are the best. This green cursor set has 15 cursor roles and its fully green. Finding fully green cursors is not easy, so I make a smaller version than the "XXL Green" set.

Tags: ■ Green Windows XP



See also

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on April 9th 2018

Green cursors are the best.

user icon Vlazteron registered user on November 8th 2019

5 out of 5 stars.

Yeah, they're, but can u redesign the Diagonal Resize 1? Good job though, keep making cursors like this!

user icon Anonymous on May 21st 2020


user icon Anonymous on July 9th 2020

this is nice. green is a beautiful color.

user icon not used anymore registered user on July 13th 2020

4 out of 5 stars.

Hey, some of these look similar to this set:

You could give some credit, if you can.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 10th 2020

This is the classic green set for Windows XP users. Green is the very best color choice to use for Windows.

user icon Anonymous on August 29th 2021

not a bot or anything but i like green color

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 29th 2021

I like the green color as well. It is my favorite color.

user icon Anonymous on August 30th 2023

Damn, these cursors would look sick in a deck I'm building bc it has a classic 90s IBM vibe. Is there any chance you could export a higher-resolution file (vector, transparent PNG, or any file, and I'll convert it) for a friendly(but not too friendly) internet rando? Was that over the top? I can never tell...

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 31st 2023

Those green cursors are classic Windows XP style cursors. I won't change them. I have other green cursor sets on my profile with higher resolution and even animations. Try them.

user icon Anonymous