i want in yellow :-D
A selection of cursors with a see through green circle around them!!
i want in yellow :-D
4 out of 5 stars.
i really like these they are inventive and stand out, it is clear that you ahve put a lot of work into them
i want a pink one
me wantz but me dont nowz mah pappyz password
Quiero uno con el circUlo rojo pero con Otra Flecha
Quiero uno con el circulo rojo Pero con Otra Flecha
Quiero uno con el circulo rojo con Otra Pero Flecha
its coolthe cursor
i want a yellow one and i havve now
do you all no that
excelent yay
I love them amazing thanks!
And it came out so good
~ Rissy <3
4.5 out of 5 stars.
i LOVE the highlight, the Windows XP hourglass and the firey pen. totally downloading it, the text is intended to blink or what?
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.