Cursor Set - Green Curve Bubble

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Green Curve Bubble Cursors

Green Curve Bubble
  • Published on December 19th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

Green Curve Bubble - How I made it?

I am now working on a new green cursor set that is made based on green bubbles and a curved line. The curve is applied to all the cursors and deviates from its starting point to the end to form a very shallow curvature which is enough for it to form any cursor role based on it. I am using the curve line tool to make those cursors, and I am also using the pincil tool to draw pixels for some of the outer edges of the cursors. Right now, I am browsing for and downloading two green bubble textures that I am going to use to make a combination of two images to make a bubble background texture by using two images joined together, making sure that the background image is a perfect square like an icon file. Icon files are always perfect square images, so I am splitting the images in to equal halves to join two background textures together to form the needed bubble texture that I need to create the background fill of this cursor set. After joining the two images together, I have rotated the finished combined image result using an online tool. The image has been rotated to 45 degrees to produce a perfectly diagonal line seem that crosses the two joined images. A square is always 90 degrees and half of that is 45 degrees. It all works out mathematically perfect once again. I always make my cursor sets mathematically perfect so that they are liked by the cursor community on RealWorld Designer and that also makes them well presentable to the website's administrators and even to forum moderators. I am targetting this cursor set for use with Windows 11, so there will be a need to create 17 cursor roles in three different cursor resolutions for various DPI usage. The resolutions that I am going to use are the standard 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 pixels, which is the perfect set of resolutions used for Windows 11 editions of Microsoft Windows. Windows 11 comes with these default DPI settings, each with their own scale factor level corresponding to its current DPI setting:

DPI - Scale factor/level

96 ---------- 100
120 --------- 125
144 --------- 150
192 --------- 200

You can also set custom DPI and scale factors in Windows 11. That can be done within the interface itself or in the Windows Registry Editor. If you are using the Windows Registry Editor to modify your DPI settings or any other computer setting in Windows 11 please make sure that you make a backup copy of the registry key holding the Dword values or other registry value types to avoid data corruption, or problems with something else breaking which can prevent some Windows settings from fuctioning. Double click your backed up registry file to restore it and restart your computer if required. It is advised and recommended by computer technicians to backup registry keys to a file on an external hardware media such as an '''external hard drive, USB Flash Drive, SD Card or any other suitable backup media types such as a CD as well.

To avoid computer problems regarding the software side of things of your operating system, be sure to install all the Windows 11 updates and update to the latest possible build of Windows 11 and also make sure to keep all of your installed web browsers up to date. Check frequently for new publicly and stable releases of updates by clicking or visiting the check for updates page or the About page. Keeping your web browsers up to date is your first line of defence nowadays. That's no longer the case with anti-virus software.

The outline borders will be drawn by me using the curve tool and sometime the pencil tool to properly craft and scale all the cursors to how I want their shapes to be and to look like. The end results for the appearance of all the cursors are going to be cursors that have been bent like a curve to make a cursor set that is more original than the cursor sets that are drawn with straight lines. The shape of the pointing arrows will have a distored shape made by the gentle bending curvature of the curved lines used in the process of the making of this cursor set. I chose to name this cursor set Green Curve Bubble because it reflects exactly what this cursor set is about. It is all about a distorted curvature for all the cursor roles with bubble green fill textures applied as background textures. Texturing cursors with background textures is something that I like doing and it makes an infinite amount of possible combinations to the cursor sets that I create on RealWorld Designer. As far as I know, there are very few or almost no one on RealWorld Designer that even bothers to try to attempt to create custom background fills for use on cursor background fills. This is very simple. Just download and or edit your background texture to form a perfect square with the same amount of pixels from vertical to horizontal. For example 32x32 pixels. Then you need to create a cursor from an image to create a cursor background. Then draw your cursor and apply a color fill to it. Then save it, close the file, and re-open it again and apply the textured background which replaces all the previously colored pixels with the new sets of pixels. Go to the background cursor fill template that you have already made, click on Select All, Ctrl+A to select all the pixels to copy them to the computer's clipboard. To paste the clipboard image which is on hold, go to the Menu on top of the RealWorld Cursor Editor application and choose Style, then click on Fill, Fill style on the right panel, change the Linear gradient to Pattern fill and finally click on the Image from clipboard button, which is the last button with a folder icon that has a blue pointing down arrow. Click on done to apply the custom textured fill effect. There is an appearance glitch that prevents the newly imported fill to show up in the cursor previews, so the cursors appears black. To fix it, click on the Layers panel, and toggle off and on the Pattern fill check box to make the applied texture background fill effect appear on your cursors. You need to repeat those steps for different frames and different frame resolutions if you are planning on making an animated cursor set with more than one frame and also for the other cursor resolutions are well. That is because each cursor resolution has its own frame, even it is a static cursor with one frame. There are still different frames for different cursor resolutions.

This Green Curve Bubble cursor set is designed with sharp pointy arrows that gives it a sharp look, keeping the flow of the curved lines to form the cursors, joining them together from end to end. I aim at beauty, precision and perfection when I create my own cursor sets. That is the reason why I have mentioned above that I always scale and make my own cursor sets mathematically perfect. I always aim at 100% accuracy. Accuracy is the key to a good and consistent cursor set for the audience to enjoy downloading and using on their Windows computer. Some users have asked me on how to download a cursor set on the RealWorld Designer website. It is very easy. Just click on the big download button and wait a few seconds for a prompt showing up in your web browser for what action to perform with the file. Choose to download the cursor set in a zipped file with all the cursor roles and the cursor description with all its other metadata such as the shadow file that comes with it. Cursors and icons included in a set can also be downloaded separately when hovering the mouse pointer over to the small floppy disk icon that appears. Doing that will only download the current cursor or icon role from the displayed preview of the cursor roles and icon roles on the web page currently displayed.

Green Tea Origins and Where it comes from:

Greenery comes with countless amounts of textures, so I chose green as the colour theme once again. Bubbling water bubbles in green water makes this a good minty drink to drink. Mint green tea is known as being a greenish type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process which is used to make oolong teas and black teas. Green tea originated in China, and since then its production and manufacture has spread to other countries in East Asia. Sri Lanka is now the world's most famous country for its diverse tea production with India following a close second place. Teas come in multiple odours, scents, colours and tastes.

More about this cursor set:

One of the uniqueness that comes with this dazzling Green Curve Bubble cursor set is that I have designed the hourglasses using the text tool, making an 8, "eight" number which brings more originality for making an hourglass using an 8 shape that was never done before. I do not recall anybody using the 8 number to create the cursors with the background waiting and busyness in this particular manner. Perhaps, I am the very first content creator to use an 8 digit figure to represent an hourglass. That is a good idea that I was just inspired to use and put to the test as a practice and for the real thing in the end to come up with a unique mini cursor that sits besides the parent arrow and also for a bigger version of it for the waiting cursor role. No bold not italic settings were applied to the 8 cursor. I left the inside empty because it is not worth adding a fill since that could spoil the number 8 cursor. I have only added the fill effect background texture that I combined together for the large cursor version of the number 8 to its border outline. Letters and numbers can sometimes be used to create cursor sets with uniqueness as well as for icon sets as well. Pure originality when it comes to making cursor sets and icon sets comes from bringing something that is always new all the time. I am pretty sure, but uncertain that this Green Curve Bubble cursor set will perhaps make it to the Top 20 Cursors that is displayed on the front page of the Cursor Library on the front page of the Cursors tab of the RealWorld Designer website. I am not sure about that, but I shall see if it appears there or not.

The method that I took to make the NO Symbol cursor role is to make a 0, "zero" cursor by using the text tool. That was easy. To have the diagonal bar go diagonally across the 0 symbol digit was to change the default Tahoma font to the Consolas font. That font works out perfectly well for making an oval cursor role for the NO Symbol cursor. The fill is not applied to the centre of the cursor, but it is applied to its thick border. I have applied a green border outline to the zero cursor role, the same way I have done with all the other cursor roles in this entire cursor set. The border outline that I have used for all the cursor role is a custom mixed green of R: 3, G: 33, B: 3, A 100 to come up with a middle tone green suitable for the cursor set design that I chose to make. The A: represents the Alpha transparency for the colours when mixing them in RealWorld Cursor Editor. I left the Alpha to 100 for the maximum opacity, which has no transparency at all.

The hands I have drawn myself. No wizards used for any of the hands or any of the cursor roles in this whole set. I have drawn the hands using the curve tool and the normal line tool as well. After applying the texture fill, the fingers got cut away from the inside, so I was required to re-draw all the internal lines making up the fingers. The last thing I did was to apply the outline border fill. After all the hands were made, I made the pins to resemble a distorted 9, nine-like shape on all the three cursor resolutions and added their fills accordingly. The last thing that I did for the last cursor role was to make the person cursor, filled it with the texture and added it to the parent hand next to it. To make the person cursor, I used the pentagon tool to draw a pentagon and I sat the pentagon on two legs drawn by the curve tool once again. Instead of something that looks like the traditional person cursor, I made a pentagon that sits on two legs. Cool, haha. Now that this whole cursor set is complete, you can now enjoy using all the cursor roles in this zipped folder. Unzipping cursors can easily be done in Windows 11 - Build 24H2 without the need to download and install any third party zip software programs.

Tags: ■ Green Windows 11



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 19th 2024

Curved green cursor set with a bubble effect applied to all the 17 cursors. The description above state exactly how I made this cursor set. Please read it to learn more about it.

The license is set to Custom (contact author). That means that you are not allowed to remix or to re-upload this cursor set without my authority. Since I made this and took long to make it as unique as possible, you are not allowed to re-upload this cursor set anywhere online. If I ever find this uploaded elsewhere, I will complain and ask the web site administrators to take it down.

Thank you for your understanding.

user icon ♩⊹⋆⚢☣Sotaru☣⚢⋆⊹♩ registered user on December 20th 2024

5 out of 5 stars.

It looks so cool!

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 20th 2024

I took the time and effort to make this Green Curve Bubble cursor set be as good as possible and to look its very best. I am glad that you like it and you have rated it. Many thanks for that.

user icon Anonymous