Cursor Set - handmade

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handmade Cursors

  • Published on December 19th 2010 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

a set of hand made cursors I made every single one!


by Anonymous

See also

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by VitruvianSasquatch492Animated cursors made up of moving dots (Streptococci Bacterium) I am...
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by Sirea634Complete cursors set made from torus and sphere in untypical style.
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by Davez1928Edit of Red Glow Set. This one has golden edges and a deeper colour r...
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by VitruvianSasquatch1769A simple cursor set utilizing either a sword, arrow or signpost as a ...
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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous registered user on December 19th 2010


user icon Daniel W. registered user on October 9th 2011

3 out of 5 stars.

Good job Anonymous. You've got a good start here. If it were me I would make it so that there is an arrow on your working cursor all the time instead of just one frame. Also you should make cursors for the rest of the roles.

user icon snickerdoodle registered user on November 25th 2019

3 out of 5 stars.

working in background and busy cursors have the hot spots in the wrong place. like daniel said, this is a good start to a cursor set if you make the rest of the roles.

user icon Anonymous on December 27th 2022


user icon Anonymous