weres all the skill capes
I have just started making cursors and it's really isn't that hard, actually. I use RealWorld Cursor Editor. You can go to this page to find it: cursor-maker
No trials... Completely free software. :]
At the moment I only have a few cursors uploaded here.
weres all the skill capes
Dude,if you do more of these u'll be famous!
if you got $1.00 per time they download ur cursors ull be rich by now ;D
make new updated Longs and Scimmies please when u can!
Phone Number:...im not typing it in :\
tyvm i love the way that it is all free!u rock!!!
yo! When are ya going to put on the new dragon scimitar and longsword
Plz make an inferno adze
i beg u polz make the inferno adze cursor plz
I cant get pointer lol
can u mnake me a circle dursor
i am from 2024
this is no for usefull
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.