Cursor Set - Nyan Cat

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Nyan Cat Cursors

Nyan Cat
  • Published on February 20th 2023 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.9 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Some nyan cat cursors! A few cursors are animated.

Tags: □ Multicolored


by Eliot

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on April 6th 2023

i think you should make a cat pooping out rainbows

;-) :-) :-D :-o :-( 8-) |-)

user icon Anonymous on May 22nd 2023

Really cute, I absolutely love them!! ^^

user icon Anonymous on May 25th 2023



De maan schijnt door de tralies, sinterklaas is illegaal, hij heeft vuurwerk afgestoken, midden in het klaslokaal, o wie staat daar op het dak, het is sint met bom op zak, o wie klopt daar op de deur, het is piet met een mitrieur!!!!

Maby do super cat tales!!
That shut be FIRE!!
Or cool whatever!


user icon The Male Boss registered user on July 18th 2023

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Excellent job on this cursors set.
You’ve included all 17 cursors roles and all your cursor hotspots are in the correct place.
I do particularly like the bars you’ve made with different colours on the working in background and busy cursors.

user icon Anonymous on September 22nd 2023

desktop wont let use, waa! :-( :-(

user icon Anonymous on October 17th 2023

meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X333


user icon Anonymous on December 13th 2023

i dont know how to use it :-(

user icon Anonymous on February 17th

if you dont know how to do it heres how. once you got all the sprites you wanted go to settings, then click on personalization, themes and then mouse cursor. then click on browse once you selected the cursor you wanted to customize click desktop, then downloads, click ur sprite you want and click open and apply! yeah, that simple! :-D

your welcone :-D :-) ;-)


user icon addy registered user on April 4th

icon-image/25864-16x16x32.png image i love itttt it is soooo cute!

user icon Anonymous on July 25th

I love monkeys

user icon Anonymous