Cursor Set - Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen

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Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen Cursors

Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen
  • Published on February 8th 2025 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
4 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen

How brushed green metal is made?

Brushed green metal is a metal that has a brushed finish and a green color. It can be made from a variety of metals, including copper, brass, bronze, and stainless steel. Aluminium works best for making brushed green metallic textures. A fine bristle brush is used to polish the metal on a belt or wheel that moves in one direction. The metal is then softened with a greaseless compound or an abrasive belt or pad. This process gives the metal a dull, matte sheen. Below, I give you all the instructions on how I made this Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen texture:

To make this cursor set, I am going to upload this green metallic sheen texture into 3D GIF Maker, applying the Clockwise Spin effect to make it rotate in a clockwise manner. This will animate the image the way I want it to be animated so that I can come up with a perfect animation GIF image to use later on in RealWorld Cursor Editor. I need to first create a master template in RealWorld Cursor Editor by creating a cursor from an image so that I can make all the required animated frames. First, I need to decide how many animated frames I need to have in my GIF and master template file with the file size that I am going to use to make this cursor set. To make sure that I do not get any upload error of the cursors, like it happened to me before, I need to ensure that the file size does not exceed 1.80MB to be on the safe size. The upload limit on the RealWorld Designer website is 2.00MB, but to make sure that there are no database errors when uploading the finished cursors, the cursor file size of the finished cursor must be below 1.80MB in size. The next step is for me to fiddle around and play with the tweak settings in 3D GIF Maker to make sure that I can get the best image quality according to the zooming level and the number of frames that I am going to need. First, I am going to try 100 frames, and if that produces a file that is too big, then I will narrow that number down to something like 50 frames or a little higher. Lots of GIF image variations tests must be carried out before I can come up with a perfect file size and a perfect amount of frames. Let's see.

Now that I am fully satisfied with the end results that have the desired amount of frames with the desired file size balance, I have now come up with the following results for the master template that I have created to begin making the cursor roles for this set. Below are all the required stats for the master GIF file and master template:

Customize Size: 200

Speed: 33

Total Frames: 60

Zoom: 22

Now that I have everything set in place, balanced with the file limit size for the cursors, I can now make a start on generating the master template that I am going to use as a base to make most of the cursor roles in question, such as Normal Select, for example. The number of frames that I am going to always use from now on as my final decision is 60 frames for each cursor role. There will be three cursor resolutions for all cursor roles for proper DPI usage in Windows 11. The following cursor resolutions that I am going to use for each of the cursor resolutions are going to be 32x32, 48x48 & 64x64 pixels on the three canvas sizes appropriate. The frame timer for all 60 frames for all resolutions is set to 2 s/60, seconds. That is the default in RealWorld Cursor Editor and it gives the correct spinning spinner speed.

Since green is my favorite color, I have thought about making a rainbow green cursor set with the most promising and versatile green sheen aluminium texture that I could find online, as explained below:

Where to find the perfect green metallic sheen texture?

Finding the perfect green metallic texture with the rounded and smooth sheen was not easy. I spent hours online to find it. I originally found the image on December 8th 2024, but I found it very quickly today because it was saved in my web's browsing history. Below is the perfect original green aluminium texture with the green circular sheen that I need to create this cursor set:

The image is called wallpapertip_green-theme-wallpaper_652888 and it has the tagged number 652888 for easy identification for later finding. This is the most accurate and perfect green metal sheen texture that I have found online to make this cursor set. If anyone finds another lighter or darker green sheen background texture with such a smooth transitioning effect, then please let me know in the comments below.

Three extra custom cursors for custom needs:

The proposed plan that I have to make this cursor set is to include an Inverted cursor role, which is an opposite design for the Normal Select cursor role for left handed users. In this cursor set, I am also going to include a Z cursor as seen in some cursor editions, full packages for Windows XP, Busy cursors. The Z cursor name that is appropriate for me to choose as a valid name that makes sense will be called Zed Timer, without the Select name, which is mostly found of most cursor roles such as Normal Select, as part of the file name. The last cursor that I am going to add will be the crosshair cursor with the dragged rectangle as seen in the RealWorld Cursor Editor canvas. Instead, of a rectangle, I will design it as a square for a more accurate visual. The crosshair cursor will be called Crosshair Draw Drag as its official file name. With that in total, this whole cursor set will have 20 cursor roles. The Crosshair Draw Drag cursor consists of two individual cursor elements. The first cursor part, which has the hotspot in the middle is simply a small crosshair cursor which only occupies one quarter of the top left hand side of the canvas for all three cursor resolutions. The second cursor part of the Crosshair Draw Drag cursor is a square dragging cursor, which occupies one quarter of the bottom right hand side of the canvas for all the three cursor resolutions. Both parts make up this cursor, which is known as a split cursor or a double cursor which is used to perform custom operations in drawing applications such as Paint, Photoshop, GIMP, RealWorld Cursor Editor, RealWorld Icon Editor, and any other drawing application that requires this customized drag and draw cursor role. This cursor role is not part of the main 17 cursor roles that are associated and included in Windows 11, nor of any previous versions of Windows either. Those three additional cursor roles that I have included in this cursor set pack are not part of the 17 default cursors that comes with Windows 11, but their purpose is to bring a custom user operated experience when using needed actions that are required for customized use for some types of applications usage. This paragraph fully explains the purpose and the reason why I have inlcuded those three extra cursor role additions. Those are the three additional cursors exclusively available only for this cursor set.

You can take a look at my Capture cursor preview from the link below:

This is only a dummy cursor preview that I have uploaded for evaluation purposes only for a trailer preview image on how the end result for this cursor set is supposed to look like. Don't take this as the definitive finished product. The finished cursor set will be epic. I guarantee that. This cursor preview was made on January 23rd 2025, so now, I am going to make a start on creating this dazzling rainbow green cursor set that I have planned.

Outline Border:

The outline border that I chose to use for this cursor set has a thickness of 0.5, which is the minimum thickness. This is a thin border that is half of 1, since if I applied 1 as the thickness, the border would be too thick. A thin border outline makes it slighly visible, without compromizing too many pixels out of the gradient background effect. The type of green shade is pure green, which is in RGB value as R, 0, G, 255, B, 0, and in hex as #00FF00, which is 100% pure green. That is the green that I will use on all my cursor borders in all resolutions, including the same exact 0.5 value for the border thickness. For the hand cursor, I have used the hand cursor wizard to create a border outline template making both the primary and secondary fill colors as fully transparent. The hand border outline for all the three cursor resolutions are green with a border thickness of 0.5, just as with all the other cursors in this set.

About the green metallic sheen effect:

The green metallic sheen effect in this cursor set uses a realistic image appearance that truly mimics the polished brased metal sheen effects as often seen of kitchenware aluminium saucepans and other dinnerware utilities. This type of stainless steel is like a 50% mirror appearance with a curcular brased polished effect that is created by a polishing brush that works in the same manner as an ultra thin grit sanding paper. The brush rotates in a clockwise manner that produces hundreds and even thousands of microscopic circles similar to the bark of a tree trunk when cut in the middle with a chainsaw to use as timber for woodwork use. Similar cucular patterns can also be observed in the rings of Saturn in our Solar System. This Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen cursor set is just that aluminium effect which is tinted in a green polished sheen effect rather than silver.

The pin and person cursors:

To differentiate both the Location Select and Person Select cursor roles, I have created a huge pin cursor and a person cursor on the canvas to fill the full scope working area of the canvas. Since those two cursors are so big, the green rainbow animation texture can be better observed, instead of a tiny fuzzy cursor which would normally be pixellated, especially the 32x32 cursor. Those two cursors for this cursor set does not require the need of a parent hand cursor. Instead, it only consists of a pin cursor and a person cursor. The names for both cursors are retained as usual, but the visuality of those two cursors are somewhat different because there is no hand cursor there. For the pin cursor, which is the Location Select cursor, the hotspot is at the very bottom of the pointed pin tip. That is perfectly normal because the standalone pin cursor is supposed to have its hotspot properly located where the pinpoint crosshair clickable area of the pin cursor placement is located. For the Person Select cursor role, the hotspot is in the very middle of the canvas due to the fact that there is no hand cursor on the canvas. That makes it valid for the person cursor hotspot to be in the middle because this is a rounded cursor with no pointing finger, arrow nor pin. Those cursor outlines are going to be set as 0.5, as the border thickness and in green as well to match the rest of the cursor theme throughout this whole cursor set. To make a properly configured outline template for all the three cursor resolutions, I have used the built-in wizard to create the person cursor by choosing a green outline and making both the primary and secondary color fills transparent. Then, I was required to cut part of the overlapping upper circular area which overlapped the circle passing underneath to create a realistic person outline template. After saving this template, I used it as a model to copy and paste the outline border as a model, which I repeated the pasting procedure by pressing Ctrl+V on my keyboard to immediately paste the border for all the 60 frames for all the three cursor resolutions. The template design in question has three cursor resolution sizes, which perfectly matches the filled area. The end results has produced a final result of a mathematically perfect designed Person Select cursor roles which does not have any visual flaws.

Ready to be released on RealWorld Designer:

Now, that I have fully finished and completed all the 20 cursor roles that I have made, it is now the time to release this Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen cursor set. I am going to release this Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen cursor set today on February 8th 2025 as part of my fully animated cursor series. This rainbow green cursor set will be the first ever cursor set of its kind to have ever been created and also the very first rainbow green cursor set to ever by uploaded on RealWorld Designer. Nobody have ever thought about making a rainbow cursor set using only green shades, especially metallic sheen effects based on aluminium metal brushed visuals. The wait is over. I have been working on this cursor set on an hourly basis since late January, so with that being said, it took me around three weeks of hard work to put this whole cursor set together. Enjoy this cursor set and its dazzling rainbow metallic sheen effects.


The proposed license that I have set here on RealWorld Designer is set to Custom (contact author), to protect the rights of authority of my works, so that no one re-uploads this cursor set on this site or on any other website. You are free to download this cursor set for your own personal use on your computer, but you are forbidden, (prohibited) from performing any re-uploads to any other website due to violation of my created works for this cursor project. If anyone disobeys this copyright law in question, I will file an email of complaint to the webmaster and the head administrators of the website and send a takedown message to remove the uploaded copy of this cursor set. Please be sure to understand this copyright guideline policy.

Questions and Comments:

You are more than welcome to send me questions and comments regarding this cursor set. General questions and comments are acceptable via the comments posts below or by email. I have two assigned email addresses that you can use to contact me regarding any queries about this cursor set. If you are signed in with an account on this site, please do not forget to rate as well. Ratings help to elevate and evaluate the quality guidelines of this cursor set. Enjoy this dazzling Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen cursor set.

Tags: Windows 11 Metal Shiny ■ Green



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 8th

Welcome to a pure green sheen metallic cursor set that uses a green rainbow sheen effect. This dazzling Rainbow Green Metallic Sheen cursor set will really spice up your eyes to willfully download it and use it on your Windows 11 computer. Never before was ever thought of a rainbow green cursor set. The very best thing is that all the cursors are fully animated in a clockwise manner so that staring and gazing at boring static cursors are no longer a common thing with this visually alive cursor set. There are 20 cursor roles, three extra ones, for custom use. Please be sure to fully read my description above that I have composed so that you know everything that I am speaking about regarding the use, how I made this cursor set, and the license agreement and copyright that I have proposed. Enjoy.

user icon noahly registered user on February 9th

wow, i like the spinning effect, what is the zed for tho?

user icon TenZue registered user on February 9th

This one matches your name, nice, I like it. 5/5

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 9th

The Zed Timer cursor is a Busy cursor. This is a custom cursor that exists in some rare cursor sets for Windows XP, so I have made a compatible version for this cursor set. The green effect matches my nickname's green colour.

user icon Anonymous registered user on February 15th

4 out of 5 stars.

Wow, these are nice. And no, riddler, I don't need a response back. Just take th rating.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 15th

Thank you for rating.

user icon Anonymous