ur a terds
awsome,sweet,cool runescape cursors
ur a terds
plz tell me how 2 it
im ddumb
ok this will help yall
1.Click on the curser you want.
2.Click save
3.Now open up control panel
4.Click on mouse
5.Then go the pointers tab
6.You'll see a list of cursers then a browse button, click the browse button.
7.Find where you saved the file to.
8.Ok and you're done.
now ive made mine to where the hour glass and link clickers pop on, if you look directly underneath your curser list you will the ones that the resize or click link, you can get rid of that by click on them the selecting your dragon curser as needed.
5 out of 5 stars.
this is so cool
how do you get a dragon claws one
3.5 out of 5 stars.
Just random Runescape stuff. OK, why are there so many Runescape sets. There are over 80 sets on this site that are tag as Runescape! WHY?
The advantage is it looks exactly like the original graphics, the disadvantage is it looks exactly like the original graphics
2.5 out of 5 stars.
They look good but the hotspots are in the wrong place and it's incomplete.
gostei gente abaixem e facil
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