y do u have so many zgs cursors? and get a zamorakian spear man
Zammy stuff, made by me!
y do u have so many zgs cursors? and get a zamorakian spear man
gimme zammy spear! spear! spear! SPEAR!
heey put monsters in it like jad and corpralbeast or aking black dragon and all that kind of sht
zamorak rulz mofo
get an armadyl godsword cursor set like u did with zammy godsword set were it has everything for the cursor plz =]
beastly cursors ty so much rs name - sloter 234 - and ye make some monsters plz and maybe a spell like rotating or something.....?
For any zamorakians feel free to go to my cite...zamwar.weebly.com.
As well as this cite at any time. Oh and great job on making this cite,it
surly got my attention.
Oh and search for it directly...zamwar.weebly.com
If u search for it on the web like google, u wont find it
hi im the im the creator of zamwar.weebly.com,i know i hvnt been here 4 awhile but if u need zam stuff go to this cite, and thnx whoever u r for helping advertize my cite too i realy apriciate it.
5 out of 5 stars.
It looks complete and well made, good job.
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